Create and submit year-end forms

Devon from Wagepoint
Devon from Wagepoint
  • Updated

Important notes about Year-end forms in Wagepoint 2.0

  • Tax forms will not be automatically created. In order to create tax forms you must complete the Year-end workflow. If you would like Wagepoint to file forms to the CRA on your behalf, you must select Electronic submission when completing the process.
  • The Year-end forms generator may take a few moments to populate fields between steps.
  • If you do not have employees, you will not see any T4s. If you do not have contractors, you will not see T4As. On the first step of the workflow, you will indicate if you'd like to create T4As for all, some, or no contractors. 
  • To save your progress at any time during the Year-end workflow, be sure to click Save & Exit. If you click Cancel and do not choose to save your work, you will need to restart the entire workflow again.

For more frequently asked questions related to year-end forms, check out our Year-end Roadmap.


Step-by-step: Create and submit year-end forms

Step 1: Navigate to the year-end forms workflow

1. Log into your Wagepoint account. In the navigation bar, go to Payroll > Year-end forms.

2. Under Year, select the appropriate year from the drop-down menu.

3. Under CRA payroll account number, review your account number. If necessary, use the drop-down menu to select a different number.

4. Under Ready to wrap up the year?, click Prepare 2024 forms.

5. In the prompt window, use the checkbox to indicate that you've reviewed the information for this company and click Prepare forms.

Step 2: Set up your year-end workflow

6. Indicate your submission preference for your 2024 tax forms by selecting either:

  • Electronic submission: Wagepoint will submit year-end forms to the government electronically.
  • Manual submission: You’ll be responsible for submitting year-end forms to the government.

Note: You will be able to confirm or change your preference at the end of the year-end forms workflow.


7. Under Primary contact, enter the details for your primary contact (Box 76 and Box 78).
8. Under Dental benefits, use the drop-down menu to select the default option for box 45 (Employer-offered dental benefits). This option will be set by default, but you can still change it on an individual basis within the workflow.
9. Under Create T4As for contractors, indicate whether you'd like to create T4As for all your contractors, for some contractors, or no contractors.
  • If you select Yes, for all, then you will be prompted to complete T4As as part of the year-end workflow (see below)
  • If you select Yes, for some, a slide-out window will appear with a list of your contractors. Use the checkbox to select the relevant individuals, then click Save.
    Note: If you need to change the selected individuals at a later date, you'll need to contact Wagepoint Support to reset your forms package.
  • In the Confirm T4A Creation window, review your selection of contractors and click Confirm.

a9947d85-a34a-4d00-be50-54a99582c127.png   5331c6fd-55ef-4223-8364-a6345d7d64b2.png

  • If you select No, you will still be able to submit T4As separately at a later time. You'll be able to access this option from Payroll > Year-end
    Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 8.57.29 AM.png


10. Click Prepare forms to continue the year-end workflow. The system may take some time to load the next step and in between workflow steps. This is normal due to the large number of fields that must be populated.

prepareformsbutton.png Click on Loading


Step 3: Review and edit T4 forms

11. The first step in the workflow is T4 tax forms. Some important notes:
  • To save your progress at any time during the Year-end workflow, be sure to click Save & Exit. If you click cancel and do not choose to save your work, you will need to restart the entire workflow again.
  • If you do not have any employees, you will not see the T4 forms step. Instead, you will be directed to the T4A forms step.
12A. Under Select an employee to view, use the drop-down menu to review each employee's T4 form individually.
Click on Select an employee to view…
12B. Each individual's form will be displayed in a read-only state. To make changes, click Edit. You will be prompted to acknowledge that any changes you make here will not be reflected elsewhere in the application. Click Edit Form to proceed. 
    Click on Edit    Click on Before making changes…
12C. Make any changes for this individual in the relevant editable fields.
Click on Coast to Crust Waffle Factory…


12D. If necessary, click Add additional row to create additional fields. 
Click on Add additional row
12E. When you have made all the necessary changes, click Save. You will return to a read-only view of this individual's T4. A note will appear indicating when the form was last changed and by whom.


Click on Save.   Click on Updated by on 12/28/2023…
13. When you have reviewed and made any necessary changes to each employee's T4, click Continue to proceed to the next step in the Year-end workflow. 


Click on Continue

Step 4: Review and edit T4A forms

If you do not have any contractors with 2024 year-end forms, or you opted not to complete T4As in Wagepoint, then this step will not be available.

14. Next, review and edit each contractor's T4A.
  • Use the drop-down menu to select each contractor's T4A
  • Review the T4A in read-only state
  • To make changes, click Edit, make the relevant adjustments, and click Save
  • If you require additional fields, click Add additional fields
Click on T4A tax forms
15. When you have reviewed and made any necessary changes to each contractor's T4A, click Continue to proceed to the last step in the Year-end workflow.
Click on Continue

Step 5: Final summary

The final step in the Year-end workflow is the final summary. This is where you'll confirm your T4 and T4A details, your submission method, and next steps.

16. Under T4 summary details, review each summary line. 
Click on T4 summary details
17. (If relevant) Under T4A summary details, review each summary line. 
Click on T4A summary details

18. Under Submission method, select your preference:

Important! Once you submit your forms, you will not be able to change your submission choice. Please choose carefully and review the steps under What's next to ensure that you understand your responsibilities for filing your year-end forms with the government. 

  • Electronic submission: Wagepoint will file year-end forms to the government electronically. This is the fastest option.
  • Manual submission: You’ll be responsible for filing all year-end forms to the government. Depending on the amount of people you have, this will take longer than filing electronically.
Click on Electronic submission…
19. Under What's next, review the information and take note of your responsibilities and next steps based on your chosen submission method. 
Click on What's next
20. Use the checkbox to indicate that all the information you have provided in accurate and that you understand that once you file the year-end forms, any further changes will require an amendment.
Check I confirm that all of the information I have provided is accurate. I understand that once I file the year-end forms, any further changes will require an amendment.
21. Click Submit to Wagepoint to complete the year-end workflow.

Important note: Once you click this button, we are unable to change your submission method and any changes to your forms will require you to directly amend these forms with the CRA. You cannot make any amendments through Wagepoint.

Click on Submit to Wagepoint
To revisit the Year-end form page, check on the status of your Year-end forms, or view/download your forms, follow the steps in this article.

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