Get help with your Record of Employment (ROE)

Devon from Wagepoint
Devon from Wagepoint
  • Updated

We understand that ROEs are complicated, so we’ve put together some additional resources to help you create and submit successful ROE files.

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Common mistakes to avoid

  • Please note that “vacation pay” has different rules depending on how it’s being paid. When the employee's vacation is set to be paid out each pay, Wagepoint will automatically state the reason code, as vacation was "included in each pay". You don't need to add anything to box 17.

    If the employee's vacation is set to accrue (or is not applicable) and you pay out vacation on the final payroll, Wagepoint will automatically report that amount as vacation pay in box 17 and include the reason "paid because no longer working" on the ROE.

    However, if you need to remove that amount from Box 17, for any reason, please note that you will also be responsible for reducing that vacation amount from PP1 in Box 15c.

  • Did you run an off-cycle payroll? All regular and off-cycle payrolls should be reported on the ROE. 
    • If the off-cycle payroll falls between regular payrolls, the hours and amounts of the off-cycle payroll will be added to the pay period with the regular cycle end date.
    • If the last payroll is an off-cycle, the hours, amount and cycle end date of the off cycle will be reported in PP1 in Block 15.
  • Ensure that Block 16 on the ROE is filled out with a valid first name, last name and Canadian phone number. Leaving this field blank, or writing in a general department name, like “Accounting, can result in your ROE being rejected by Service Canada.
  • The only time the “K00” code is to be used in an ROE is when the reason for termination does not fall under any of the other provided “K” codes/reasons. Should K00 have to be used for any reason, a note in Block 18 of the ROE is required.
  • Wondering about the difference between “Last day for which paid” (Block 11) and “Final pay period ending date” (Block 12)? Think of the “last day for which paid” as the actual last day an employee was paid, and “final pay period end date” as the last day in the pay cycle. Often, these are two different dates.
  • Including a comment in Block 18 can slow down your electronic ROE, as it requires a Service Canada agent to manually review it. For this reason, only use this block to indicate necessary information not already shared on the ROE, such as: additional information about the reason for separation; additional information about paid sick leave, wage loss insurance or maternity/parental payments; a note regarding vacation pay paid due to an anniversary payout that includes the date and amount paid.

Additional resources 

Contact Service Canada

Contact the Service Canada Employer line (800-367-5693) for further guidance on things like: spreading out Commission payments when reporting on the ROE; Maternity/Paternity/Parental or Sick Leave amounts or Top Up payments. Keep in mind that every province/territory has its own rules.

This line is your best direct source of information, intended specifically for employers with EI and ROE questions. 

Contact Wagepoint 

We’re here to help with your ROE questions. The best way to reach out to our friendly team is by submitting a ticket from within Wagepoint. You can also email or call us at 1-877-757-2272. Our team is available Mon-Fri from 8 am until 8 pm ET. 

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