Add a client

Devon from Wagepoint
Devon from Wagepoint
  • Updated

This article is intended for Wagepoint partners who would like to add a client to their Partner dashboards.

You can add a new client who is brand new to Wagepoint, or who already has a Wagepoint account.

Only Account Owners and Account Administrators can add or invite clients to their client directory.

You can share this checklist with your client, or use it to guide your onboarding process.


Add a client without an existing Wagepoint account

1. From your Partner dashboard or Client directory, click Add client.

Click Add client

2. Under Does this company already have a Wagepoint account?, select No, they don't have a Wagepoint account.

Type ""

3. Enter the following details about your new client:

  • Email address: Enter the client email address, then retype to ensure accuracy.
  • Contact’s first name
  • Contact’s last name
  • Company name
Enter the following details about your new client:
Email address (and retype for accuracy)
Contact's firm name and last name
Company name

4. Under Billing setup, select the relevant payment set up. Note that if you have not set up Partner pays billing, this option will be unavailable.

Click on Billing setup…


5. Indicate your requested permission access level:

  • Payroll administrator
  • Reports administrator
Click on Choose your role to manage this client's account.…


6. Under Plan type, select the appropriate subscription for this client.

Select Unlimited…


7. Click Add.

Click on Add


7. Your client will be sent an email invitation to either accept or decline your invitation. Your client can also find the request in their own account by navigating to Settings > Accounting/bookkeeping firm.

Click on New Client Three has been successfully added and an email invite has been sent out.


Once your client has accepted the connection to your partner dashboard, you will be able to access their account and set it up on their behalf, if you'd like.




Add a client with an existing Wagepoint account

1. From your Partner dashboard or Client directory, click Add client.

From your Dashboard or the Client directory, click Add client.
2. Under Does this company already have a Wagepoint account?, select Yes, they already have a Wagepoint account.
Under Does this company already have a Wagepoint account?, select Yes, they already have a Wagepoint account.

3. Enter the Account owner email address and the Company ID.

Enter the Account owner's email address and the Company ID.

4. Under Billing setup, select the relevant payment set up. Note that if you have not set up Partner pays billing, this option will be unavailable.

Under Billing setup, select the relevant payment set up. Note that Partner pays fees will appear grayed out if you have not entered your banking information.

5. Indicate your requested permission access level:

  • Payroll administrator
  • Reports administrator
Select Payroll administrator…

6. Under Plan type, select the appropriate subscription for this client. If the account is already on a subscription plan, then it will appear here and you will need to work with your client to change the plan if needed.

Select the Plan type. If the account is already on a subscription plan, then it will appear here.

7. Click Invite.

Click Invite.

8. Your client will be sent an email invitation to either accept or decline your invitation. Your client can also find the request in their own account by navigating to Settings > Accounting/bookkeeping firm.

Click on WP Test Devons Flower Festival has been successfully added and an email invite has been sent out.



Once your client has accepted the connection to your partner dashboard, you will be able to access their account and set it up on their behalf, if you'd like.


FAQ: How can I assign a client to a particular administrator in my partner account?

  1. In the navigation bar, go to User Accounts.
  2. Select the Administrators tab.
  3. Locate the relevant administrator in the list, and click View.
  4. On the administrator summary page, click Edit.
  5. Under User details, use the Clients to assign drop-down to indicate the relevant clients.
  6. Click Save.

FAQ: When will billing begin for my client?

Billing begins after the two-week trial period, regardless of when you run the first payroll for the client.

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