This article describes how to add or invite an administrator. An administrator can be an employee or a non-employee.
In order to make changes to User Accounts, Roles and Permissions, you must be an Account owner. If you are not an Account owner and you believe you should have administrator access, please reach out to the Account owner.
Add an employee as an administrator
1. In the navigation menu, go to Settings.
2. Under Company settings, click User Accounts.
3. Select Add Administrator.
4. Under Who are you adding?, select Employee.
5. Under Select an Employee, use the drop-down menu to indicate the relevant person. If an email is already associated with this person, it will auto-populate. If not, enter their email address in the open field and retype the email to confirm it is correct.
6. Under What is their role?, select the employee’s role.
7. (Optional) Under Assign a location, add the employee’s location. This field is only displayed if locations are being used.
8. (If applicable) If you are assigning a manager role, select the relevant department under Assign a department.
9. Click Add.
10. On the Employee Portal message, indicate if you would like the employee to view their paystubs and year-end forms using our secure online portal. Click Send invite to invite them now or No, thanks to skip this step.
For more information about the administrator experience, see What does a new administrator see when they log in? below.
Note: If the person already has an active employee portal account, their current password will be used. If it is their first time logging in, they will be prompted to create a password when they receive the invite.
Add a non-employee as an administrator
Important! This action invites someone outside your company to have access to company details. Be certain that you have the correct email address for the individual.
1. In the navigation menu, go to Settings.
2. Under Company settings, click User Accounts.
3. Select Add Administrator.
4. Under Who are you adding?, select Non-employee.
5. Enter the individual’s details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email (and then re-enter to ensure accuracy)
6. Under What is their role?, select the individual’s role.
7. (Optional) Under Assign a location, add the employee’s location. This field is only displayed if locations are being used.
8. Click Add. The new administrator will receive an invitation via email to log into the Wagepoint portal. For more information about the administrator experience, see What does a new administrator see when they log in? below.
Invite an administrator to log into their Wagepoint account
To invite an administrator to access your account, they will need an invitation to their employee portal. They will use the same login details to access both the employee and employer portals.
1. In the navigation menu, select People.
2. Locate the relevant person in your People list, click on the drop-down arrow, and select Invite to employee portal.
Your administrator will receive an email with a link to set up their account.
The administrator can toggle between their employee portal and their administrator dashboard by clicking the drop-down arrow near their profile picture (in the top right navigation bar) and selecting Switch to [employee/employer] portal.
FAQ: Add administrator accounts
After the set-up is complete, a user will be taken to one of the following pages depending on their role:
- When an account owner, authorized signatory, or payroll administrator logs into Wagepoint, their default landing page will be the Payroll page.
- When a manager logs into Wagepoint, their landing page will be the People page. This user will only be able to see the department/location assigned to them.
- When a report administrator logs into Wagepoint, their default landing page will be the Reports page.
- Please reach out to the account owner or another payroll administrator on the account. For security reasons, this is not something we can do on your behalf. If needed, ask the account owner or payroll administrator to reach out to us directly for assistance.