Manage general, security, and notifications preferences

Devon from Wagepoint
Devon from Wagepoint
  • Updated

View or manage preferences

  1. Click the drop down arrow near your personal name in the top navigation bar and select Preferences
  2. Make any changes in the General, Security, and Notifications Tab:
  • General Preferences
    • Change image: you can upload a photo of yourself. Note: we accept JPG and PNG with a max file size of 6 MB.
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Language: English or French
    • Roles and permissions: view your roles and permissions in a read-only state.
  • Security Preferences
    • Primary email: this is your username and the default address for notifications.
    • Secondary email: you can use this if you’re locked out or need a password reset.
    • Password
    • Two-factor authentication (2FA): 2FA is an electronic verification method for an extra layer of security.
  • Notifications
    • Preferred email: This is set to your primary email by default. If you entered a secondary email, you have the ability to select your preferred email to receive notifications.
    • Notifications: Use the toggle to indicate which notifications you would like to receive.


Manage account notifications

Depending on your assigned role, some notifications are automatically enabled for your account. You can adjust the notifications you receive as a user by following the below steps.

1. Click the drop down arrow near your personal name in the top navigation bar and select Preferences.

2. Select the Notifications tab.

3. Review the list of notifications and use the toggle to turn notifications ON or OFF.

4. Click Save.

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